Crescent lunge


Crescent Lunge is all about finding balance.


One of the things I love most about this posture is that there are so many ways to make it unique to you with modifications. You can always come down to your back knee, you could place a micro bend in your back leg to feel more sturdy, you could place your hands at heart center instead of above your head or you could bring your feet closer together (long ways on the mat).


To get into the posture: 

  • Plant one foot towards the back of your mat at step the other foot towards the top of your mat. 

  • You can sink your hips down towards your mat to feel more activation in your legs and core. 

  • Stack your front knee over your ankle to protect your joints. 

  • Rotate your hips so that they are pointing forward. 

  • Bring your hands up overhead in mountain pose arms, or you can clasp your hands together to get more of a shoulder stretch


Posture benefits: 

  • Crescent lunge is an amazing stretch for the hip flexors and quads. 

  • It helps to expand the front line of the body. 

  • It strengthens your thighs, core, and glutes. 

  • This pose also helps to relieve Sciatica. 

Is Crescent one of your favorite poses? What variation is your favorite?