Yoga can provide great benefits mentally and physically, however only you know your own limitations when it comes to your body. 

Please consult your healthcare provider with any concerns prior to starting any new exercise program to be sure that it is appropriate for your needs. While participating in any exercise or any exercise program, there is a risk of possible physical injury. During Andrea’s live Zoom classes, workshops, sessions, or even recorded offerings, know that the exercises are intended for specific ability ranges and they will be notated in the description of that offering. Not all exercises that Andrea offering in sessions or as recommendations afterward are intended for all persons.

If you suffer from any specific injury or disease, it is best to consult your physician prior to signing up for Andrea Hunt’s yoga offerings. If your physician supports yoga with your given condition, please let Andrea know of any injury that is current or any major surgeries as they relate to your practice so she can be mindful of your physical needs and can support you with the appropriate modifications.

Due to COVID-19, I am offering yoga and reiki virtually. Since this is an online offering, it is up to the individual to assess their ability to participate in these online classes and other offerings. 

Andrea Hunt Yoga, which includes all videos, classes, workshops, corporate offerings, reiki, marketing materials, and all accompanying materials is not liable for any injury, accident, or injury. 

Andrea Hunt Yoga is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that she has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating any medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on medical conditions. 

Andrea Hunt Yoga makes no representations or warranties with regards to the completeness of information on this website or any linked websites, classes, videos, apps, affiliates, social media, or other products represented herein. 

Andrea Hunt Yoga and its members do not assume any responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves using any of the information provided on this website, affiliated apps or on social media.