5 Minutes to De-Stress


Only have 5 min to de-stress? Try these!

  1. Go outside for a moment and walk. 

  2. Write down three things you’re grateful for and why. 

  3. Write down one good thing that happened today. 

  4. Do a quick stretch.  I love cat/cows or a 5 min yoga vinyasa flow (available on my Playbook app here.) 

  5. Meditate! Even a quick meditation can help.



6. Stop what you are doing and allow your brain to wander. 


7. Allow yourself to think of the worst-case scenario and feel it for a moment.

8. Listen to your favorite song and try the SHAKE IT OUT technique.  This will decrease your cortisol levels and get you out of your head and into the body. 


Let me know what tip is your favorite!

Andrea HuntComment