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Breath for Your Pelvic Floor

Did you know that your breath can support your low back and alignment?

This breath will lengthen the curve of your spine and help you feel your pelvic floor - this one is GREAT for pregnancy.

What to do: 

  • On your inhale, allow your ribs to expand first and then your belly.  

  •  Let the whole torso expand. 

  •  Your breath will expand into your pelvic floor (you will want to drop and spread.) 

  •  To expand your ribs before the belly, you will have to engage your abs first.  

  • You want your ribs to lift and expand, I’m still working on it!  


  • Place your hands on your ribs, thumbs facing back

  • When you inhale you should feel your ribs expanding out and your ribs come in on the exhale like an accordion. 

  • On the exhale, maintain the lift of the ribs as you pull the belly to your spine. 

  • At the end of your breath allow the ribs to relax then go back to the first position. 

  • Now using this breath, coordinate the movement of your abs toward your spine with the lift of your pelvic floor.  


This is easier to feel your pelvic floor on an exercise ball. 

  • Imagine your pelvic floor like a diamond. 

  • On the inhale, imagine the floor widening out

  • On the exhale feel the diamond shrinking and lifting back up. 

    For more pelvic floor amazingness, check out Kimberly Ann Johnson’s book The Fourth Trimester.  SO GOOD.

Let me know what you think of this breathing technique!